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Photography 2                      Is Available to Grades 10 - 12


This one-year course includes advanced principles of black and white photography as well as digital photography.  Digital photography, black and white quality control, perfection of black and white negative processing and printing techniques will be emphasized.  Students will be required to exhibit their projects.  It is suggested that students successfully complete Photography I before taking this course. 


This course will fulfill one Arts/Humanities credit required for high school graduation.


By the end of this course, the student should be able:

  • To acquire a vocabulary specific to advanced photography.

  • To increase skills and knowledge of advanced black and white darkroom techniques.

  • To develop basic skills in portraitures and studio lighting techniques.

  • To develop skills and knowledge about digital photography.

  • To explain color film theory and exposure.

  • To develop skills and responsibilities in the care and safe use of photographic equipment and materials.

  • To improve skills in the natural application of composition to photography.

  • To apply consistently evaluative criteria to projects.

  • To refine and apply consistently skills in negative processing techniques.

  • To refine and apply consistently skills in advanced printing techniques.

  • To experiment with creative darkroom techniques.

  • To investigate a variety of photography finishing techniques.

  • To understand appropriate software as it applies to photography.

  • To increase knowledge of ethics and the legal aspects of photography.

  • To prepare a portfolio for exhibition.

  • To investigate career opportunities in the photography industry.


Course Outline...

1st Quarter

Introductions, Course Expectations

Digital Portfolio

Natural Light: Reflectors 

Artificial Light: Speed Flash

Sunset Portrait

2nd Quarter

Intro to Studio Lighting


Lighting Patterns

Mid Term Exams

3rd Quarter

Creative Studio Lighting

History Continued

Digital Post Production

4th Quarter



Final Portfolios

Final Exams

(702) 799-0950 

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